June 20, 2024
0 min read

Generative AI used for data conversions and reformatting


Next to all its creative abilities and applications, generative AI has shown significant potential when it comes to data conversions and reformatting. These abilities are important for businesses and industries that rely on accurate and efficient data handling - so basically the majority of modern businesses there are nowadays. The capabilities of generative AI in this area are vast, handling everything from simple format transformations to complex data synthesis and integration. Let's take a look into the current state of generative AI's capabilities in data conversions and reformatting, use cases, and examples.

Capabilities of generative AI in data conversion and reformatting

Generative AI's capabilities are, in its own words, "revolutionizing" just about everything, so it's actually no surprise it started to change the perspective on how businesses handle complex data tasks as well. The AI makes the processes faster, enhances data integrity, works on a conversation basis, and enables integration across various systems. Here are some of the key capabilities it unlocks:

  • Data transformation and cleaning: Generative AI can automatically clean and transform data from one format to another, correcting inconsistencies and filling in missing values.

  • Schema mapping and data integration: AI can map data from different schemas, making it easier to integrate data from diverse sources into a cohesive structure.

  • Natural language processing (NLP): AI models can interpret and convert unstructured data (like text) into structured formats, facilitating better data analysis.

  • Code generation for data handling: Generative AI can create scripts and code snippets to automate data conversion processes, reducing the need for manual coding.


Examples of potential implementations of AI in data conversions

1. Integrating disparate healthcare data systems

  • Use case: A clinic used generative AI to integrate patient data from multiple electronic health records (EHR) systems. They faced challenges in unifying various formats, (including HL7 FHIR - Health Level Seven International) and ensuring data consistency. The AI-driven solution mapped different data schemas into a unified structure, enabling access to full patient histories.

  • Outcome: This led to improved patient care through comprehensive data availability, reduced administrative burden, and better decision-making by healthcare professionals.

  • Converted sample: Patient data in different formats (e.g., JSON, XML, CSV) was converted into a unified XML format, enabling easy integration and querying across systems.

Before AI conversion:

jsonCopy code

{ "patientid": "12345", "name": "John Doe", "dob": "1980-01-01", "medicalhistory": { "allergies": "Peanuts", "medications": ["Aspirin"] } }

After AI conversion:

xmlCopy code

<patient> <patientid>12345</patientid> <name>John Doe</name> <dob>1980-01-01</dob> <medicalhistory> <allergies>Peanuts</allergies> <medications>Aspirin</medications> </medicalhistory> </patient>

2. Financial data reformatting and standardizing transaction data for enhanced analysis

  • Use case: An international bank implemented an AI-driven solution to convert and standardize transaction data from various legacy systems operating with various formats such as SWIFT MT/MX, FIX (Financial Information eXchange), FATCA XML, SDMX (Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange), XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language), MIFIR (Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation) and MIFID II (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive), or EMIR (European Market Infrastructure Regulation) reporting formats into a unified database format. This enabled improved financial reporting and fraud detection.

  • Outcome: Enhanced accuracy in financial reporting, reduced manual effort, and a significant increase in fraud detection capabilities.

  • Converted sample: Transaction records in different formats (e.g., legacy mainframe records, CSV files) were standardized into a modern relational database schema.

Before AI conversion:

csvCopy code

transaction_id,amount,date,description 987654,150.75,2023-01-15,Purchase at Store A 123456,85.20,2023-01-16,Purchase at Store B

After AI conversion:

sqlCopy code

INSERT INTO transactions (transaction_id, amount, date, description) VALUES (987654, 150.75, '2023-01-15', 'Purchase at Store A'), (123456, 85.20, '2023-01-16', 'Purchase at Store B');

3. Retail data transformation and global sales data standardization

  • Use case: A major retial chain utilized generative AI to convert sales data from different regions and formats into a standardized format for global analysis. The AI managed various data types, including CSV, XML, and JSON, facilitating better inventory management and sales forecasting.

  • Outcome: Improved data-driven decision-making, imrpoved inventory management, and better sales forecasting.

  • Converted Sample: Sales data from different formats were converted into a unified JSON format for easy integration and analysis.

Before AI conversion:

xmlCopy code

<sale> <id>001</id> <amount>100.50</amount> <date>2023-06-01</date> <region>North America</region> </sale>

After AI conversion:

jsonCopy code

{ "sale": { "id": "001", "amount": 100.50, "date": "2023-06-01", "region": "North America" } }


Risks in data conversions with generative AI

Generative AI can significantly enhance data conversion processes, but it also introduces certain risks that stem from generative AI's nature. Businesses need to be aware of these risks and take proactive steps to mitigate them in their applications.

Key risks

1. Data integrity and accuracy: Generative AI may introduce errors or distortions during data conversion. These inaccuracies can arise from incorrect model training, insufficient data quality, or algorithmic misinterpretation.

2. Hallucinations: AI models, especially those using generative techniques, can sometimes generate data that is not present in the original dataset, known as hallucinations. This can lead to misleading or false data being integrated into business processes.

3. Data privacy and security: Handling sensitive data with AI systems requires stringent privacy and security measures. There is a risk of data breaches or leaks, especially if the AI model interacts with external databases or cloud services.

4. Algorithmic bias: AI models can inadvertently perpetuate or exacerbate biases present in the training data. This can lead to unfair or discriminatory outcomes in data conversion processes.

5. Compliance and legal risks: Depending on the industry, data conversions must comply with various regulations (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA). AI-driven conversions that do not adhere to these standards can result in legal penalties.

6. Performance issues: Depending on how AI is used during the data migration, performance can become an issue.

Preventive measures to mitigate the risks

1. Data validation and verification: Implement robust validation mechanisms to check the accuracy and consistency of data after conversion. Regularly audit AI outputs against known benchmarks to ensure reliability.

2. Training and monitoring: Ensure AI models are trained on high-quality, representative datasets. Continuous monitoring and retraining are essential to maintain model accuracy and relevance.

3. Mitigating hallucinations:

  • Controlled outputs: Use constraints and checks within the AI system to limit the generation of extraneous or false data.

  • Human oversight: Incorporate human-in-the-loop approaches where critical data conversions are reviewed by experts.

4. Privacy and security measures: Encrypt data in transit and at rest. Implement access controls and audit trails to track who accesses the data and when. Regularly update security protocols to guard against new threats.

5. Bias mitigation: Employ techniques such as bias detection and correction during model training. Use diverse and representative training data to minimize the risk of perpetuating biases.

6. Compliance audits: Regularly conduct compliance audits to ensure that AI-driven data conversion processes adhere to relevant laws and regulations. Document all data handling and conversion processes to demonstrate compliance.

7. Code generation for efficiency: Performance issues can be resolved by structuring the solution such that the AI generates conversion script/code, but doesn't have to interpret each line of data that is being converted directly.


Practical example of generative AI risk mitigation in financial data conversions and integrations

Risk: An international bank faced challenges integrating transaction data from various legacy systems with the help of generative AI - these included risks of data inaccuracies, privacy breaches, and compliance issues.


  • Implemented rigorous data validation protocols to verify the accuracy of transaction data converted by AI.

  • Used advanced encryption techniques and stringent access controls to secure sensitive financial information during and after conversion.

  • Established continuous monitoring and retraining of AI models to maintain high data integrity and adherence to regulatory standards like GDPR and PCI DSS.

  • Integrated human oversight to review critical data conversions and employed AI bias detection tools to ensure fairness in data handling.

This allowed the bank to enhance financial reporting accuracy, improve fraud detection, and minimize risks of data breaches and regulatory non-compliance.

How to stay ahead and use generative AI for data conversion Blocshop's expertise

While generative AI offers significant advantages in data conversions, businesses must be vigilant about potential risks such as data inaccuracies, hallucinations, privacy issues, and compliance challenges. By implementing robust validation, monitoring, security measures, and compliance checks, businesses can effectively mitigate these risks and leverage AI's full potential.

At Blocshop, we can help you with just that. Our experience and expertise in leveraging large language models in data operations will help you unlock the full potential of generative AI for data conversion. We can provide you with customized solutions tailored to your specific business needs, ensuring maximum efficiency and accuracy in your data conversions while maintaining strict compliance and security standards.

Don't wait any longer to stay ahead of the game - contact us to learn more about how we can help you improve reporting accuracy, detect fraud, and minimize risks through advanced AI technology. Let's work together to take your business to the next level.


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